This Week's Reagan Quote

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Red Eye

Ok, so my favorite news related show on these days is called Red Eye. It's on at un-godly hours on fox news (I think it starts at 2 AM for me), so normal human beings really can only watch by DVRing it, which I do every night. Anyway, I suggest you check it out, it makes fun of everything in the news while actually discussing the news.

On last night's show, they had an interview with Representative Thaddeus McCotter, who comes from Michigan. As Greg Gutfeld, the host, always says, "check it out, check it outers." I'd never heard of the guy before, but damn he hits the nail on the head in this interview (including a Flock of Seagulls reference and Rush(the band) reference)...

1. Our liberty comes from God, not the government.
2. Our sovereignity is in our souls, not the soil
3. Our security is through our strength not surrender.
4. Our prosperity is through the private sector, not the public. and
5. Our truths are self-evident, not relative.

I think I can handle those basic principles.

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