So President Obama continues his non stop campaign, with yet another prime time press conference on Wednesday. But Fox has declined to show the press conference. And what is Fox is showing instead of the Obama press conference? A Show called "Lie to Me." Hmm, "Lies" on Fox, Lies on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Ironic, no?
And I would be remiss if i didn't share a hilarious video making fun of dirty hippies.
This Week's Reagan Quote
In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Fun Time
This has nothing to do with anything. I just thought it was sweet. Life is not all doom and gloom. Enjoy.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
How dumb do they think we are?
Well, very dumb obviously. The Global warming jackasses are now saying (they've been saying it all along, but now the EPA makes it official) Carbon Dioxide is a major hazard to American's Health. Yes, this is the same carbon dioxide that every animal creature exhales when breathing. and all plants need to survive. People claim that fossil fuel CO2 is somehow different than the CO2 we exhale. Umm, will the scientists in the crowd explain this to me. I'm not a doctor, but I think they are pretty much the same damn thing. Oh, yeah, this just in, its not "global warming" anymore, it is now "climate change". There is no proof that the miniscule increases in the Earth's temperature are human made, so it has to be called something besides global warming now. I think I'm surrounded by Assholes.

And when you get a chance after reading Uncle Ruckus' post, visit his own blog about his quest to become awesome (mainly at triathlons, but also everything else.)

And when you get a chance after reading Uncle Ruckus' post, visit his own blog about his quest to become awesome (mainly at triathlons, but also everything else.)
Alas, I Return
Not me, well yes me, but also the market?! Ok, this is the fun time of the year when Q1 earnings come out, people scoff and babble about what the hell happened that wasn't supposed to, and what they should tell everyone to reassure them that it is okay to buy their stock.
First of all, welcome to what a market really should do, go up and down, but have the ups outweigh the downs. Most investors new to the game were brought up during the mid-late 90's where things went up for no apparent reason, then suffered through the 2001 debacle and went back into the mind set that things are just supposed to go up for no good reason again. Sorry folks, not exactly how things work.
The good news is this, no matter what you can make money. Regardless of what is going on, you can still buy some stocks, sell come calls, or sling crack rock to make a few bucks (as a former tax accountant, drug dealers listen up, you are allowed to deduct cost of goods sold on your 1040). I digress.
The best way to make some money (especially for you young folk) is to get moving early. While recently the market has come back a tad, it is still way down from where it was a while back, which means there is a lot to be gained with little to be lost. Investing now is a good idea if you want to think long term. Use the information coming out in the next week and make some sound decisions.
Those fat cats down in Washington (all of them are fat cats, regardless of actual physical stature) can do whatever they want but as long as the market is there you can make some money.
Basic tips to aiding your wealth down the road. 401k, if you don't need the money right now, put it in your 401k. Roth IRA, a good tax break. Extend the life of your underwear by wearing it inside out after the first use. The crop report this year says concentrated orange juice is looking really good.
Also one final way to make money is to run for political office. Wait it gets better, then when you have a huge lead in the polls, solicit a bribe from your opponent to drop out of the race. Works every time, I swear. The best way to get a lead in the polls is to have broad shoulders. I am for real, that is how Arnold did it, Jesse Ventura, and yes Sonny Bono. Broad shoulders win elections, that is a fact. Troy Aikman 2012. You read it hear first.
(This website in no way endorses selling or using of illegal drugs or substances deemed as such in these United Sates. Uncle Ruckus is a conspiracy theorist with a background in accounting, please use extreme caution in applying his advice)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties

Whoa, so much to cover, so little time.
Happy Tax Day America! Well that's kind of an oxymoron, but anyway, today has been quite a day. Hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up for what they believe in today. Enough is enough. The amazing thing to me is that most of these parties take place in the middle of the day, when the people who are actually paying taxes have a job. This is not something that these average Americans do. I did not attend today (I have a job), I attended one of the first one's here in Denver about 6 weeks ago (a day I had already planned on taking off). Rick Santelli (see video at bottom of the page) really got something going. This is not a Republican-Democrat thing. This is not a Barack Obama-George Bush thing. This is an American thing. Americans are tired of out of control government spending, our march to socialism.
Yet the radical left can't stand this (key word radical, common sense Democrats and others who are left of center understand what this is about). The media can't stand it, they don't understand that Americans are tired and don't believe socialism is right. This video from CNN is out of this world, they can't even report the news, they're scared.
Typicaly Liberal media, asks a question that isn't even allowed to be answered.
The Picture on this Denver Post article strikes me as beautiful. This is America, people standing up for what they believe in. It has only just begun.Americans are tired of being overtaxed and government overspending. July the Fourth is only 3 months away. I'm excited for another opportunity to stand up for what is right on our Independence Day. If hundreds of thousands cnan come out in the middle of the week during work, can you imagine what will happen on a holiday. Millions of Americans are tired, and want to return to our Constitution, return to the founders, returned to America. Stay tuned, I've got a gun rant I've been formulating, hopefully I'll get it posted tomorrow.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
SCHIP (One Big Ass Mistake America)
I meant to write and post this yesterday, but I was tired, so it gets put up tonight.
Yesterday, April 1, the new SCHIP expansion went into affect further expanding socialized medicine for children by increasing all tobacco taxes. The federal excise tax on cigarettes almost tripled, from 39¢ to $1.0066 a pack. Every other tobacco product also had a tremendous tax increase, but the most drastic was the increase on Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco. RYO taxes went from $1.0969 per pound to $24.78 per pound. An increase of over 2000%. Never in American history has one product had such a tremendous tax increase. It is literally unprecedented. There are multiple reasons that this bill is a tremendous disaster, and I will try to address all of them here.
1. Taxing the Minority. It is an unfair and regressive tax on a minority. About 20% of Americans smoke. The median income of smokers is $36,300. President Obama said during the campaign on Sept 12,
2. Killing the goose who laid the Golden Egg. As tobacco taxes continually increase, on both federal and state (and even municipal) levels, less people are smoking. Every time there has been a tax increase on tobacco products in the last 15 years or so, revenues collected from cigarette taxes have gone down.
3. Hypocrisy. Health advocates want people to quit smoking to make a healthier America. Yet they also want smokers to pay for Health Insurance programs for millions of children. Some studies say that Congress will need Nine Million new smokers to generate enough revenue to support SCHIP in the Long Run.
4. The Black Market. The more tax increases on tobacco, the more the black market grows. Smokers want to continue smoking, and criminals find ways to either counterfeit or import foreign cigarettes and sell them on the black market on which NO tax revenues are created.
5. The Economy. Our economy is struggling. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Over a million people are employed in the tobacco industry in some form or another. Our company alone is shutting down 20% of our stores and laying off large amounts of people who never would have been jobless if not for this bill. These are good hard working people, who would have continued to be employed in a difficult economy if this bill had not been signed. This bill puts people out of work who otherwise would have been employed in a difficult recession.
6. Unprecedented taxes. These tax increases are unprecedented. Never have taxes on a single product been increased so dramatically. There is also a measure in the bill instituting a “floor stock tax.” This means that every product in inventory as of April 1 (yesterday), our company has to pay the difference in the old rate to the new rate. There has never been a floor stock tax on any product in American history. This provision will give our company a $1 million+ tax bill to be paid to the government by August. There is a $500 tax credit for every company, but that is such a ridiculously small amount it is laughable.
7. The Consumer. Just like every other tax on businesses in history, this tax gets passed on to the consumer. The average American smoker will end up paying every cent of this tax.
8. The SCHIP Program. SCHIP was designed to provide health insurance for poor children. I’d argue that this is too large of an expansion for socialized medicine on its own, except its not just for poor children. In New Jersey for example, SCHIP pays for coverage for families with incomes as high $74,200. This is poor?
Sorry for the length, but this is a monumental disaster on a multitude of levels. Tobacco issues are obviously close to my heart, my families livelihood is at stake. Where is the freedom to allow people to make their own choices, good or bad. I could say more, but I’ll stop there for now. I will definitely talk about this again.
Yesterday, April 1, the new SCHIP expansion went into affect further expanding socialized medicine for children by increasing all tobacco taxes. The federal excise tax on cigarettes almost tripled, from 39¢ to $1.0066 a pack. Every other tobacco product also had a tremendous tax increase, but the most drastic was the increase on Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco. RYO taxes went from $1.0969 per pound to $24.78 per pound. An increase of over 2000%. Never in American history has one product had such a tremendous tax increase. It is literally unprecedented. There are multiple reasons that this bill is a tremendous disaster, and I will try to address all of them here.
1. Taxing the Minority. It is an unfair and regressive tax on a minority. About 20% of Americans smoke. The median income of smokers is $36,300. President Obama said during the campaign on Sept 12,
“I can make a firm pledge, Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."Approximately 90% of smokers make less than $250,000. His “pledge” was a flat out lie.
2. Killing the goose who laid the Golden Egg. As tobacco taxes continually increase, on both federal and state (and even municipal) levels, less people are smoking. Every time there has been a tax increase on tobacco products in the last 15 years or so, revenues collected from cigarette taxes have gone down.
3. Hypocrisy. Health advocates want people to quit smoking to make a healthier America. Yet they also want smokers to pay for Health Insurance programs for millions of children. Some studies say that Congress will need Nine Million new smokers to generate enough revenue to support SCHIP in the Long Run.
4. The Black Market. The more tax increases on tobacco, the more the black market grows. Smokers want to continue smoking, and criminals find ways to either counterfeit or import foreign cigarettes and sell them on the black market on which NO tax revenues are created.
5. The Economy. Our economy is struggling. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Over a million people are employed in the tobacco industry in some form or another. Our company alone is shutting down 20% of our stores and laying off large amounts of people who never would have been jobless if not for this bill. These are good hard working people, who would have continued to be employed in a difficult economy if this bill had not been signed. This bill puts people out of work who otherwise would have been employed in a difficult recession.
6. Unprecedented taxes. These tax increases are unprecedented. Never have taxes on a single product been increased so dramatically. There is also a measure in the bill instituting a “floor stock tax.” This means that every product in inventory as of April 1 (yesterday), our company has to pay the difference in the old rate to the new rate. There has never been a floor stock tax on any product in American history. This provision will give our company a $1 million+ tax bill to be paid to the government by August. There is a $500 tax credit for every company, but that is such a ridiculously small amount it is laughable.
7. The Consumer. Just like every other tax on businesses in history, this tax gets passed on to the consumer. The average American smoker will end up paying every cent of this tax.
8. The SCHIP Program. SCHIP was designed to provide health insurance for poor children. I’d argue that this is too large of an expansion for socialized medicine on its own, except its not just for poor children. In New Jersey for example, SCHIP pays for coverage for families with incomes as high $74,200. This is poor?
Sorry for the length, but this is a monumental disaster on a multitude of levels. Tobacco issues are obviously close to my heart, my families livelihood is at stake. Where is the freedom to allow people to make their own choices, good or bad. I could say more, but I’ll stop there for now. I will definitely talk about this again.
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