This Week's Reagan Quote

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let Me tell you where I sit...

...before I tell you where I stand.

I feel it is appropriate to write about who I am before I began to rant about what I think about the current state of things.

I was born and raised in Boulder, CO (I know, a true hot bed of conservatism), and have lived in Boulder County my entire life, except the four years I spent in college at the University of San Diego. I am a Catholic, but not exactly strict one (more on this later). I currently work for my families business which my grandpa purchased over 25 years ago, Smoker Friendly, in our accoutning department.

Politically, I am a registered (frustrated) Republican, but more importantly a fiscal conservative. I also am socially conservative, but I am very libertarian on Social Issues. In my ideal world, social issues would not appear in the political realm, but alas, this is not reality. I believe in God, I believe in the tenets of the Catholic faith, and I believe this is an important basis for my moral values. But Fiscal Conservatism and limited government are more important to me. I will try very hard to avoid social issues in this blog, but sometimes those issues will be discussed. Most important to me are the ideas of Freedom, Liberty, Lower Taxes and Small Government. Basically, the exact opposite of what we have seen so far in the Obama Administration, and much of the Bush administration. I supported George W. Bush, voted for him in 2004, but he was not a fiscal conservative and expanded government too far (why I am a frustrated Republican).

I decided to start this blog because I'm tired of sitting back and doing nothing, I wanted to make my voice heard somewhere, even if only to a limited audience. So I invite you to check back occasionally, read what I have thought, and include your thoughts in the comments section, no matter where you stand politically. As mentioned before, I hope to have others contribute, because, well, I know different voices always make things more interesting. ENJOY!

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