Whoa, so much to cover, so little time.
Happy Tax Day America! Well that's kind of an oxymoron, but anyway, today has been quite a day. Hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up for what they believe in today. Enough is enough. The amazing thing to me is that most of these parties take place in the middle of the day, when the people who are actually paying taxes have a job. This is not something that these average Americans do. I did not attend today (I have a job), I attended one of the first one's here in Denver about 6 weeks ago (a day I had already planned on taking off). Rick Santelli (see video at bottom of the page) really got something going. This is not a Republican-Democrat thing. This is not a Barack Obama-George Bush thing. This is an American thing. Americans are tired of out of control government spending, our march to socialism.
Yet the radical left can't stand this (key word radical, common sense Democrats and others who are left of center understand what this is about). The media can't stand it, they don't understand that Americans are tired and don't believe socialism is right. This video from CNN is out of this world, they can't even report the news, they're scared.
Typicaly Liberal media, asks a question that isn't even allowed to be answered.
The Picture on this Denver Post article strikes me as beautiful. This is America, people standing up for what they believe in. It has only just begun.Americans are tired of being overtaxed and government overspending. July the Fourth is only 3 months away. I'm excited for another opportunity to stand up for what is right on our Independence Day. If hundreds of thousands cnan come out in the middle of the week during work, can you imagine what will happen on a holiday. Millions of Americans are tired, and want to return to our Constitution, return to the founders, returned to America. Stay tuned, I've got a gun rant I've been formulating, hopefully I'll get it posted tomorrow.
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