This Week's Reagan Quote

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Vote 'em out...

My new suggestion for how to fix what is wrong with our government (pretty much everything). Vote them All out in 2010. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! This means every member of the house. 435 new members in the house. 36 New senators (that is how many seats are up for re-election in 2010. The remaining 64 need to be removed in 2012 or 2014). It is the only way I can see the culture of corruption ending in the congressmen. Unfortunately, some good will have to be swept out with the bad.

There are a number of congressmen I like, even a couple on the other side who I at least respect. This will end the careers of some who have served our country well.But they are tainted, just like every player of baseball's steroid era is tainted. And a number who have served well have served well for way too long. They have lost touch with reality. The only way to remove this stain is to get rid of every last one of them. Most of them are scumbags. Its time to start over.

Now, don't read this as me being in favor term limits, I don't think term limits make sense in the United States Congress. But it is such an utter disaster, it needs to be reset. Start over fresh. It will also serve as an example that the people are the ones who have the power, not the people in office. We are their bosses, the time has come for us to fire all of them for failure to uphold their oath to protect the constitution. Many truly believe in the constitution, but, well thats too bad. Its time to start over. Vote 'em out, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

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