This Week's Reagan Quote

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It Stands on its own.

233 years ago, 56 of our founding fathers signed one of the most important documents in human history. Happy 4th Everybody.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...

Also, my earlier post on the Declaration.

Lastly, Remember our troops and thank them if you can.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Fun

As I've said before, not everything is not doom and gloom, so I bring a new Shower Every Hour Feature... The Summer Music Playlist. I'll list a couple songs every so often that for me make up the Sounds of Summer. Some will require explanations, others are quite obvious. Feel Free to play along and add your own in the comments section. (Morales pick and choose as you please)

Lets begin.

Summer isn't complete without the Beach Boys.

Tom Petty will always be my favorite

This album was listened to approximately 274 times summer of 2006 among me and my friends.

Ok, this is fun, until next time.

Vote 'em out...

My new suggestion for how to fix what is wrong with our government (pretty much everything). Vote them All out in 2010. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! This means every member of the house. 435 new members in the house. 36 New senators (that is how many seats are up for re-election in 2010. The remaining 64 need to be removed in 2012 or 2014). It is the only way I can see the culture of corruption ending in the congressmen. Unfortunately, some good will have to be swept out with the bad.

There are a number of congressmen I like, even a couple on the other side who I at least respect. This will end the careers of some who have served our country well.But they are tainted, just like every player of baseball's steroid era is tainted. And a number who have served well have served well for way too long. They have lost touch with reality. The only way to remove this stain is to get rid of every last one of them. Most of them are scumbags. Its time to start over.

Now, don't read this as me being in favor term limits, I don't think term limits make sense in the United States Congress. But it is such an utter disaster, it needs to be reset. Start over fresh. It will also serve as an example that the people are the ones who have the power, not the people in office. We are their bosses, the time has come for us to fire all of them for failure to uphold their oath to protect the constitution. Many truly believe in the constitution, but, well thats too bad. Its time to start over. Vote 'em out, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quick Hits

Haven't wrote anything for a while, so lets hit a few big stories quickly.

What a clusterfuck. The Mullah's obviously rigged the elections, which is amazing that they'd have to do that since they put whoever they want on the ballot. Ahmadinejad is nuts, Khamenei really rules the country, but Mousavi is the one the people want. There are rumors that the mullahs are gonna unleash their "Republican Guard", we could see Iran's Tiananmen sqare. Revolution is brewing.

Courtesy of Hot Air, it sounds like moderate Blue Dogs and so called New Democrats are balking at this situation. Thats what happens win conservative budget estimates put the cost at $4 Trillion. As PJ O'Rourke has said, "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until its free."

North Korea
Kim Jong-Il has really lost it. Apparently threatening to fire a missile at Hawaii, I'd really be shocked if they do it. And in all likelihood, this missile would go up about 75 yards, then blow up all over their launch pad. If this does happen, don't we have to go to war? This regime probably needs to be eliminated already, with an act of war like this there is no doubt that we would have to go in there. How long do you think N. Korea could hold on against our military? 2 hours? 1 hour? 6 minutes?

Tasered Grandma
Well she did ask for it. I can't believe the Today host thought the police officer went too far. Typical liberal loon, thinking that our military our police officers are evil when they are just doing their job.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Into the Storm

I changed the quote of the week to a Winston Churchill quote this week, as I just watched HBO's new historical Biopic on Churchill about his leadership through the second world war. A Fantastic film about a brilliant man. Winston Churchill was a man that refused to back down to the growing evil in Europe. He understood that Britain needed to fight Hitler's Germany to the bitter end, for the good of man, Europe, democracy and the world. To paraphrase one of my favorite quotes in the film, those who surrender and are defeated are doomed to servitude, those who fight and are defeated are destined for freedom. Churchill lived as a man fighting for freedom. He also understood he needed America's help. Again as quoted in the film, speaking of Britain he says, "we have managed not to lose the war, we need (the United States) to win it." Churchill is a man who stood by his principles, believed in democracy, and understood how important it was to preserve it. He was willing to fight to the bitter end. As he said in an all time great speech,

"We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France
and on the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing confidence and
growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island whatever the cost
may be; we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets
and on the hills. We shall never surrender..."

What does this have to do with our current affairs? President Obama has been on his world apology tour from the beginning of his presidency. He was in Egypt this week continuing to apologize to the Muslim world, calling the United States one of the largest Muslim Nations with our "7 million Muslims". This is all laughable, there are dozens of nations with more Muslims, and a more accurate number would be 1.5 million. Less than one percent. We are not a Muslim nation. We are open to Muslims enjoying our freedoms as much as any other man, but we are not a Muslim nation.

That's not the point I'm trying to make though. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Churchill constantly fought the growing extremism in Europe, he understood that evil is to be fought. President Obama is going around the world apoligizing for... well, I don't know what he is apologizing for. Is he apologizing for the fact that Muslim extremists (note extremists, not just average Muslims) hate us and want us to die. We should not be trying to make friends with these evil people, we should be fighting them to the bitter end. Those who want democracy and freedom to die are not going to moderate themselves. Why should we try to appease them. Churchill understood this, and because of that defeated Nazi Germany. The United States is not evil, those who commits acts of terror and want tyranny are. Do not forget history Mr. President.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I was gonna write something, but I decided to watch Conan's debut. So, it will have to wait.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Elections Have Consequences...

Sonia Sotomayor.

As everyone has heard 80000000000 times, she has a very compelling story. Its actually a very American story, coming from a poor family, to the highest court in the land. But, compelling stories do not a justice make.

There are a number of issues I have with the selection. This video is one of my biggest problems. She thinks that policy is made in the appellate courts. The reality of our American system is that this couldn't be further from the truth. Our founders set up our court system for only one reason, to rule on the legality of issues. If she wants to make policy, she can run for Congress. That is where policy is made. Thats the beauty of our system. Congress makes the policy, the court decides its constitutionality. This is very frightening that Sotomayor has explicity said she thinks she should legislate from the bench.

Issue number 2: Her actual judicial record. She's had numerous cases reversed at the supreme court level. The number I've heard is that 60% of cases that she has ruled on that have been appealed up to the highest court have been overturned. SIXTY PERCENT. That is a frightening amount of cases overturned by an entity that doesn't usually like to overturn lower court decisions.

Issue number 3: Why Obama selected her. He said he was looking for a judge who would be "empathetic". What does empathy have to do with ruling on issues of law. The only qualification for being a supreme court justice should be ability to decide constitutional issues. He also picked her for political expediency. The Republicans have a problem fighting this because they are scared to upset Spanish and female voters. Her ethnicity and and sex should have nothing to do with her appointment. But in our bullshit PC world, it is one of the main reasons for her appointment.

A very frustrating situation, but, Elections have consequences.
Look for a post on the situation California is in because Morales asked. I'd also like to write about N. Korea, but I'll wait and see if the situation heats up any more.

Friday, May 22, 2009

And We're Back

After a couple weeks of having a dead computer at home, I've finally picked up a new laptop, so tune in, more political analysis and liberal hippie bashing will be in the works.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lie to Me

So President Obama continues his non stop campaign, with yet another prime time press conference on Wednesday. But Fox has declined to show the press conference. And what is Fox is showing instead of the Obama press conference? A Show called "Lie to Me." Hmm, "Lies" on Fox, Lies on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Ironic, no?

And I would be remiss if i didn't share a hilarious video making fun of dirty hippies.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun Time

This has nothing to do with anything. I just thought it was sweet. Life is not all doom and gloom. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How dumb do they think we are?

Well, very dumb obviously. The Global warming jackasses are now saying (they've been saying it all along, but now the EPA makes it official) Carbon Dioxide is a major hazard to American's Health. Yes, this is the same carbon dioxide that every animal creature exhales when breathing. and all plants need to survive. People claim that fossil fuel CO2 is somehow different than the CO2 we exhale. Umm, will the scientists in the crowd explain this to me. I'm not a doctor, but I think they are pretty much the same damn thing. Oh, yeah, this just in, its not "global warming" anymore, it is now "climate change". There is no proof that the miniscule increases in the Earth's temperature are human made, so it has to be called something besides global warming now. I think I'm surrounded by Assholes.

And when you get a chance after reading Uncle Ruckus' post, visit his own blog about his quest to become awesome (mainly at triathlons, but also everything else.)

Alas, I Return

Not me, well yes me, but also the market?!  Ok, this is the fun time of the year when Q1 earnings come out, people scoff and babble about what the hell happened that wasn't supposed to, and what they should tell everyone to reassure them that it is okay to buy their stock.

First of all, welcome to what a market really should do, go up and down, but have the ups outweigh the downs.  Most investors new to the game were brought up during the mid-late 90's where things went up for no apparent reason, then suffered through the 2001 debacle and went back into the mind set that things are just supposed to go up for no good reason again.  Sorry folks, not exactly how things work.

The good news is this, no matter what you can make money.  Regardless of what is going on, you can still buy some stocks, sell come calls, or sling crack rock to make a few bucks (as a former tax accountant, drug dealers listen up, you are allowed to deduct cost of goods sold on your 1040).  I digress.

The best way to make some money (especially for you young folk) is to get moving early.  While recently the market has come back a tad, it is still way down from where it was a while back, which means there is a lot to be gained with little to be lost.  Investing now is a good idea if you want to think long term.  Use the information coming out in the next week and make some sound decisions.

Those fat cats down in Washington (all of them are fat cats, regardless of actual physical stature) can do whatever they want but as long as the market is there you can make some money.

Basic tips to aiding your wealth down the road.  401k, if you don't need the money right now, put it in your 401k.  Roth IRA, a good tax break.  Extend the life of your underwear by wearing it inside out after the first use.  The crop report this year says concentrated orange juice is looking really good.

Also one final way to make money is to run for political office.  Wait it gets better, then when you have a huge lead in the polls, solicit a bribe from your opponent to drop out of the race.  Works every time, I swear.  The best way to get a lead in the polls is to have broad shoulders.  I am for real, that is how Arnold did it, Jesse Ventura, and yes Sonny Bono.  Broad shoulders win elections, that is a fact.  Troy Aikman 2012.  You read it hear first.

(This website in no way endorses selling or using of illegal drugs or substances deemed as such in these United Sates.  Uncle Ruckus is a conspiracy theorist with a background in accounting, please use extreme caution in applying his advice)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties

Whoa, so much to cover, so little time.

Happy Tax Day America! Well that's kind of an oxymoron, but anyway, today has been quite a day. Hundreds of thousands of Americans stood up for what they believe in today. Enough is enough. The amazing thing to me is that most of these parties take place in the middle of the day, when the people who are actually paying taxes have a job. This is not something that these average Americans do. I did not attend today (I have a job), I attended one of the first one's here in Denver about 6 weeks ago (a day I had already planned on taking off). Rick Santelli (see video at bottom of the page) really got something going. This is not a Republican-Democrat thing. This is not a Barack Obama-George Bush thing. This is an American thing. Americans are tired of out of control government spending, our march to socialism.

Yet the radical left can't stand this (key word radical, common sense Democrats and others who are left of center understand what this is about). The media can't stand it, they don't understand that Americans are tired and don't believe socialism is right. This video from CNN is out of this world, they can't even report the news, they're scared.

Typicaly Liberal media, asks a question that isn't even allowed to be answered.

The Picture on this Denver Post article strikes me as beautiful. This is America, people standing up for what they believe in. It has only just begun.Americans are tired of being overtaxed and government overspending. July the Fourth is only 3 months away. I'm excited for another opportunity to stand up for what is right on our Independence Day. If hundreds of thousands cnan come out in the middle of the week during work, can you imagine what will happen on a holiday. Millions of Americans are tired, and want to return to our Constitution, return to the founders, returned to America. Stay tuned, I've got a gun rant I've been formulating, hopefully I'll get it posted tomorrow.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

SCHIP (One Big Ass Mistake America)

I meant to write and post this yesterday, but I was tired, so it gets put up tonight.

Yesterday, April 1, the new SCHIP expansion went into affect further expanding socialized medicine for children by increasing all tobacco taxes. The federal excise tax on cigarettes almost tripled, from 39¢ to $1.0066 a pack. Every other tobacco product also had a tremendous tax increase, but the most drastic was the increase on Roll Your Own (RYO) tobacco. RYO taxes went from $1.0969 per pound to $24.78 per pound. An increase of over 2000%. Never in American history has one product had such a tremendous tax increase. It is literally unprecedented. There are multiple reasons that this bill is a tremendous disaster, and I will try to address all of them here.

1. Taxing the Minority. It is an unfair and regressive tax on a minority. About 20% of Americans smoke. The median income of smokers is $36,300. President Obama said during the campaign on Sept 12,
“I can make a firm pledge, Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
Approximately 90% of smokers make less than $250,000. His “pledge” was a flat out lie.

2. Killing the goose who laid the Golden Egg. As tobacco taxes continually increase, on both federal and state (and even municipal) levels, less people are smoking. Every time there has been a tax increase on tobacco products in the last 15 years or so, revenues collected from cigarette taxes have gone down.

3. Hypocrisy. Health advocates want people to quit smoking to make a healthier America. Yet they also want smokers to pay for Health Insurance programs for millions of children. Some studies say that Congress will need Nine Million new smokers to generate enough revenue to support SCHIP in the Long Run.

4. The Black Market. The more tax increases on tobacco, the more the black market grows. Smokers want to continue smoking, and criminals find ways to either counterfeit or import foreign cigarettes and sell them on the black market on which NO tax revenues are created.

5. The Economy. Our economy is struggling. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Over a million people are employed in the tobacco industry in some form or another. Our company alone is shutting down 20% of our stores and laying off large amounts of people who never would have been jobless if not for this bill. These are good hard working people, who would have continued to be employed in a difficult economy if this bill had not been signed. This bill puts people out of work who otherwise would have been employed in a difficult recession.

6. Unprecedented taxes. These tax increases are unprecedented. Never have taxes on a single product been increased so dramatically. There is also a measure in the bill instituting a “floor stock tax.” This means that every product in inventory as of April 1 (yesterday), our company has to pay the difference in the old rate to the new rate. There has never been a floor stock tax on any product in American history. This provision will give our company a $1 million+ tax bill to be paid to the government by August. There is a $500 tax credit for every company, but that is such a ridiculously small amount it is laughable.

7. The Consumer. Just like every other tax on businesses in history, this tax gets passed on to the consumer. The average American smoker will end up paying every cent of this tax.

8. The SCHIP Program. SCHIP was designed to provide health insurance for poor children. I’d argue that this is too large of an expansion for socialized medicine on its own, except its not just for poor children. In New Jersey for example, SCHIP pays for coverage for families with incomes as high $74,200. This is poor?

Sorry for the length, but this is a monumental disaster on a multitude of levels. Tobacco issues are obviously close to my heart, my families livelihood is at stake. Where is the freedom to allow people to make their own choices, good or bad. I could say more, but I’ll stop there for now. I will definitely talk about this again.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Most American's Still Have Values

As I mentioned the other day, it seems like entertainment is constantly controlled by the left. Hollywood is obviously one of the capitals of Far Left Wing propaganda machine, which is why I was so excited whe I saw this.

I absolutely love John Wayne. He is as the epitome of an American. He embodies all the best American Values, I have this hanging in my house: Heroic, Genuine, Tough, Sincere, Loyal, Courageous, Virtuous, LEGENDARY. Just a few of the words that define his greatness.

Ah, Duke, I love you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Nannyism (Children's style)

One thing that drives me nuts about left is the constant nannyism trying to get the government to contol your lives, and take away your freedoms. I probably will continue to talk about this in the future, but I saw something that pissed me off today...

It seems like leftist nannyism is trying to drive their drivel into young children's heads. For example, my favorite Sesame Street character The Cookie Monster is not allowed to eat cookies anymore, he has to eat 'healthy'. He's the God Damn Cookie Monster, let him have his God Damn Cookies. But I knew that already, just the thing I saw today made me think of this.

Anyway, I think I want to Puke.

You already ruined the Cookie Monster, why must you ruin another of my favorite shows from childhood, School House Rock.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Red Eye

Ok, so my favorite news related show on these days is called Red Eye. It's on at un-godly hours on fox news (I think it starts at 2 AM for me), so normal human beings really can only watch by DVRing it, which I do every night. Anyway, I suggest you check it out, it makes fun of everything in the news while actually discussing the news.

On last night's show, they had an interview with Representative Thaddeus McCotter, who comes from Michigan. As Greg Gutfeld, the host, always says, "check it out, check it outers." I'd never heard of the guy before, but damn he hits the nail on the head in this interview (including a Flock of Seagulls reference and Rush(the band) reference)...

1. Our liberty comes from God, not the government.
2. Our sovereignity is in our souls, not the soil
3. Our security is through our strength not surrender.
4. Our prosperity is through the private sector, not the public. and
5. Our truths are self-evident, not relative.

I think I can handle those basic principles.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Show Me the Money

So like many American’s in the last couple months I have jumped into Ayn Rand’s master work Atlas Shrugged. Published in 1957, it has jumped up to 110th on Amazon’s Sales list. A book that is over 50 years old and over 1100 pages is selling like hotcakes. Anyway, I will probably bring up more about this as I continue to read it, but I just read one of the greatest things I think I’ve ever read. Take the 20 minutes to read it, you will not be disappointed.

Money is the root of all that is good.

For those of you with short attention spans, this sums it up quickly, but I still implore you to read the exerpt from Atlas Shrugged.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
–The Declaration of Independence

Read the Declaration of Independence. I think the basic principles that our Nation was founded on are under attack. Think of all the times you’ve heard Barack Obama speak to our country. Always grand, always eloquent, but lacking important substance. I know I haven’t heard every thing President Obama has said, and can’t remember everything I have heard, but one theme that definitely is not overarching is the theme of freedom and liberty. Apparently one of our most important documents, writing that has helped establish this country, is not important to Mr. Obama.

Liberty is defined as freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, or hampering conditions. The ever growing expanse of government does not make me feel like I am free from restrictions or hampering conditions. Increased government spending and regulations seem to me to be in direct conflict with the idea of liberty.

Now, I am not comparing Obama to King George III, but just look at a few of the grievances that are listed in the Declaration…

-He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

-He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

-For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.

-For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments

These sound awfully similar to actions of the current administration along with the help of the Pelosi-led congress and Reid-led senate.

This current government is trying to interfere with every part of my life through taxation and regulations, when all I want is to live the life that Thomas Jefferson wanted for our nation. All I want is Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I’ll try to expand more on this in a future post, focusing on the “Pursuit of Happiness”. Thoughts…?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hello blog readers.  Gallagher had invited me to share some views on his new blog.  I am known as Berg, and went to school with Jon.  Fiscally we share most of the same views i.e. free market capitalism, government should be tiny and stay the hell away from my money.  Really at heart, I am socialist, it is a great ideal and philosophy.  The buck stops there though, it is an ideal and philosophy.  

Here is why I think socialism will never work.  Theoretically, everyone gets the same "stuff" regardless of what they do.  No haves or have nots.  The problem I see is this, I will even use today as an example.  You are at your job, and there are 3 other people who do the same thing you do, you are all salary and make 4,000 a month.  You want to get ahead, so you come in early everyday to get things done on time.  You become proficient at your job and are consequently given more to do.  Meanwhile one of the other guys you work with comes in "on time" and is alright at his job, just handles what he gets, then leaves.  The other guys are slackers, come in late and possibly stoned out of their minds.  They aren't good at the job, and because of that, no one gives them any challenging work, and they do just enough to not get canned.  Do you feel fine with them getting the same amount of money for doing less work?  Sacrificing less of their time?  In this situation, there is no incentive to work harder, because no matter how hard you work, and or how little you work the end result is the same.  Once you figure this out, you might just as well shut down because you will still get paid.

Free money is great and we would all love it, but it isn't a good idea.  Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, make it on your own accord.  I am not sure when everyone decided they are entitled to getting everything for doing nothing, but it might be beneficial if it stops, I am just saying.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let Me tell you where I sit...

...before I tell you where I stand.

I feel it is appropriate to write about who I am before I began to rant about what I think about the current state of things.

I was born and raised in Boulder, CO (I know, a true hot bed of conservatism), and have lived in Boulder County my entire life, except the four years I spent in college at the University of San Diego. I am a Catholic, but not exactly strict one (more on this later). I currently work for my families business which my grandpa purchased over 25 years ago, Smoker Friendly, in our accoutning department.

Politically, I am a registered (frustrated) Republican, but more importantly a fiscal conservative. I also am socially conservative, but I am very libertarian on Social Issues. In my ideal world, social issues would not appear in the political realm, but alas, this is not reality. I believe in God, I believe in the tenets of the Catholic faith, and I believe this is an important basis for my moral values. But Fiscal Conservatism and limited government are more important to me. I will try very hard to avoid social issues in this blog, but sometimes those issues will be discussed. Most important to me are the ideas of Freedom, Liberty, Lower Taxes and Small Government. Basically, the exact opposite of what we have seen so far in the Obama Administration, and much of the Bush administration. I supported George W. Bush, voted for him in 2004, but he was not a fiscal conservative and expanded government too far (why I am a frustrated Republican).

I decided to start this blog because I'm tired of sitting back and doing nothing, I wanted to make my voice heard somewhere, even if only to a limited audience. So I invite you to check back occasionally, read what I have thought, and include your thoughts in the comments section, no matter where you stand politically. As mentioned before, I hope to have others contribute, because, well, I know different voices always make things more interesting. ENJOY!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conservative Phoenix

Something I wrote shortly after election day, felt it deserved to be posted....

As the 2008 election has come to a close, I had far too many thoughts to just keep them to myself. I may not be happy with the outcome of the election, but I continue to be proud to be an American. While I do not support really any of Obama’s policies, he is still soon to be OUR president. There will not be any of this “not my president” bullshit that you’ve heard spouting from the whacky left the past 8 years. I am happy to be in this country where I am allowed to stand up and oppose the men in power, in hope that we are able to get back to a government more closely aligned with my beliefs in the near future.

Barack Obama ran an impressive campaign. There is no doubting that fact. The man is eloquent, and ran the perfect race to the White House at the perfect time. He caught America at a time when there was uneasiness across the country about many things, and he ran on two things, hope and change. And a naïve America latched on to these so called “ideals”. He never truly defined hope and change, but the American people ate it up.

Why did the American public end up voting for Obama. I am afraid on some levels that I have lost some faith in the American people. I am afraid far too many people in this country voted for a personality, voted for only hope and change, and did not get educated on the issues. If your only reasons for voting Obama are the words hope and change, our if the word Bush appears in your argument, that is just as absurd in my mind as voting for McCain because Obama is black, or because his middle name is Hussein, or some other ridiculous petty thing. If you believe that higher taxes and a more socialized system are the right path, I have a fundamental difference in opinion, but I respect your right to have that opinion and have no problem with your vote for Obama. If you voted for Obama only because he is black, because of hope, change and Bush, I am very disappointed.

This brings me to my next thoughts. The rhetoric was repeated time after time that this election was about more than race. I think it is quite evident that is NOT true. I thought this country was past the race issue, but apparently most of this country is stuck in the past. It is obviously deplorable the situation black people faced in this country for hundreds of years, and people who continue to judge on race should simply be ignored. These people are simply morons. I agree, it is a great thing that this nation has a black president. I just think he is the wrong man, no matter if he is black, white, green or purple.

I am afraid the direction that the most liberal senator will lead our country in the next four years. Obama has an unquestionably liberal record, and with the support of a radically liberal Speaker of the house and a democratic dominated senate, I am scared that our free capitalistic country is in trouble. The American government in its current state is one of the most inefficient entities in world history. How is growing an inefficient entity by remarkable amounts and throwing tremendous amount of money at ineffective programs supposed to make them function better. Problems are not fixed by increasing spending, especially when my tax dollars are what is being thrown at them. Socialism does not work, and that is the path that we are currently on. Why have we had the greatest technological advances in world history in these great United States? It is not because the government has thrown money at what they decide is worthy. Technological advance comes through competition. Man strives to be there best in a capitalist society where the market decides what the best answer is. One succeeds and advances are achieved in a society that breeds competition. Socialism just leads to malaise, and, well, failure. The Soviet Union rings a bell here.

This brings me to my next train of thought. All hope is not lost. Remember that the night is darkest before the dawn. I still believe America is that shining city on the hill, a beacon for the rest of the world to follow. The last time a candidate ran on Change was 30 years ago, when Jimmy Carter was elected. Remember the greatest president of the 20th century, Ronaldus Magnus followed President Carter. I think the historical parallels are too hard to ignore. A republican president that most of America was against, Nixon preceded Carter. (Remember Ford was never elected, he only took office because Nixon was so shamed he had to resign.) A majority of Americans were disillusioned with the Republican Party. The parallels to the George W Bush presidency are hard to ignore. Reagan returned conservatism to prominence following a failed democratic presidency following a disgraced Republican presidency.

What does this mean to me? I have hope for the future of conservatism in America. The Republican Party has lost its way. Conservatism has fallen to the wayside. And it isn’t just with the selection of a liberal republican presidential candidate in John McCain. It has even been hard to find in the spend, spend, spend GW Bush presidency. There are things I have stood behind the president on. But his exorbitant spending and government expansion are not among them. The Republican Party finishes it failure today with a senator in Phoenix (mythological symbolism to follow). But out of the ashes the party will be reborn, a return to the conservatism, a return to the party of Reagan believing in America as that shining city on the hill. The McCain campaign was dead in the water, until a governor from the Great state of Alaska gave hope to the conservative movement. Governor Palin gave conservatives in this country hope that conservatism can still stand tall in this country. And she does not stand alone. Explore Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal further hope for the future of this country. And I too have been inspired. I am no longer content to just sit around and talk about what I think. I believe there is no greater time for action for conservatism than now. Out of the ashes the phoenix of conservatism is prepared to rise again, to lead this country back to prominence, becoming a beacon once again, Reagan’s shining city on the hill. I remain proud of this country and believe that we are still great, and we can remain great, and become greater. God bless Ronald Reagan, God bless the conservative ideals and leaders, and God bless America.

I'm Mad as Hell...

...and I'm not going to take it any more.
As Obama is blabbering on at this exact moment, I couldn't think of a better time to launch a blog I've been meaning to start for a little while now. I don't know how often I will post, only whenever I feel up to it, which means I could go a week without posting or I could throw down multiple blogs entries in a day.

I'm hoping to discuss my thoughts on the frightening road to Socialism our beautiful country is heading down. I believe that we are on a path to disaster, but that is not our guarenteed outcome. We must return to the conservative values of our nation's founders all the way up to Reagan, and believe in a free market seperated from government intrusion. I'll give a post in the future about more of my core beliefs. I hope to have friends weigh in too.

Quick side note: Obama just said he wants every American to take at least one year of higher education. Made me think of one of my favorite quotes from everyone's favorite Judge Smails.